
Personalized URL & QR Code

Standardized Resume Format

100% Secure & Easy to Share



We will help you make your profile better than just a RESUME

Indian0 is the first AI-enabled integrated digital portfolio platform. With Digital Portfolio which is an evolved version of a traditional paper resume, we aim to help every individual to ease the process of sharing their profile carrying their professional, academic, and personal achievements under a highly secured infrastructure.

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Evolution of Digital Portfolio - A Journey from Paper Resume to Video Resume to Digital Portfolio

Traditional Paper Resume or CV

Invented long back in history for job purpose, the word processors in the 1970s made it possible for everyone to create a great resume on its own. But the continuous changes in the format of the resumes as per the demand of the industry made it very tough for the people to make a perfect one to share. The efforts to update the resume all the time is what made it even harder to stay. Hence, Visume (Video Resumes) came into existence.

Video Resume or Visume

Paper resumes have an old reputation that they can get copy-pasted in most cases which dilutes and defeats the very purpose of resumes. If we emphasize today's digital era, it is hard for the employer to get the correct picture of the candidates from a paper resume. In demand of validating a certain level of originality, proficiency, and confidence and being a matter of fact that Video resumes cannot be copied, it becomes the need of the hour. Yes, they are effective, interactive, and can capture the eye of the recruiter.

Digital Portfolio

The need of the hour i.e. Visume is also having limitations due to which they are gradually diminishing from the market which is a continuous effort to stay up-to-date. It is really hard for anyone to record a new video resume all the time to highlight new achievements. Also, it requires good skills and efforts to record a video resume with all required stuffs that in turn can be a good investment. Eliminating all such challenges, Digital Portfolio is a future-ready version of the traditional paper resume and video resume that is very easy to create, secure, and share the achievements in any media format digitally.

Still Not Sure? Explore FAQs

A Digital Portfolio is a revolutionary future-ready product that helps you to present a holistic view of the profile that includes your professional, academic, and personal achievements under a single roof. The portfolio can be shared with anyone with a single click under highly secure infrastructure. Simply, it helps you land your desired job by drafting a perfect and crystal clear picture of you among the recruiter by making you a smart job seeker.
Yes, you can add data in any media format, including text, audio, videos, images, infographics, case studies, pdf, etc. This is what makes it a completely unique and future-ready product.
Yes, we will be helping you in creating your Digital Portfolio from scratch. You will be able to explore available tutorials in the form of Video, PDF, and FAQs in your dashboard. For any queries, you can always reach out to Mr. Zero @
You may find other platforms offering a basic version of an online resume, but Digital Portfolio by Indian0 is a next-gen portfolio that makes you future-ready. Some of the top features are as below:
  • - Industry benchmarked resume format
  • - Personalized URL and QR Code
  • - Easy to document achievements in any media format
  • - 100 % secure and easy to share at a single click
  • - Dedicated blogging central
  • - Awesome data security and privacy features (share on your own will and for a certain time interval)
Subscribing to Digital Portfolio is a one-time investment, but you need to renew it every year in case you wish to make regular changes to your portfolio. Remember, you pay only when you update, else it's a one-time fee for lifetime service.
The basic cost of a Digital Portfolio is INR. 5,000 for a year. Currently, it is getting available at a huge discounted fee of just INR. 1,500. Use coupon ZERO70 to avail 70% discount during checkout and get free enrollment to Digital Internship program.

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