Difference between CV/Resume and Digital portfolio
Difference between CV/Resume and Digital portfolio

Vaishnavi Posted on 01 Jan 1970


Of course, we all were grown by seeing this type of traditional resumes/CV that was made on word files and we should know that there are some rules of making it, or we should edit it from time to time according to our next interview schedule. 

When I was in My College I got to know that if you want a job in any MNCs or any big firms you should have an attractive resume that you can easily get a job. I remember when I was entering in the final year our teachers conduct a tutorial classes about “How to make an attractive resume? ”for your campus drives that you will get your job by making a good resume and they always told us to remember important things about the resume that is:

Always print 2-3 extra copies of your resume for the emergency case.

  - Update your date into your resume according to the interview schedule.

  - Also update your achievements on a daily basis.

  - A Traditional resumes are completed in 2-3 pages. 


In this digital era, we are updating each and everything that firsts we use keypad phones now we are upgrading it into smart and slim phones which have better features and lots of new technology, even we use desktop computers previously now we updated it into laptops and iPads so everything is upgrading according to our needs so why not we upgrade our resumes into a digital portfolio. 

Digital Portfolio is a new technology that is a new platform for the students, job seekers, or corporate employees who are already working in any organization. It has lots of new features. It covers almost everything a person wants to put into his or her resume even with some advanced features. So here are some features of Digital Portfolio.


 - We can add your professional picture first in your digital portfolio.

 - We can write a small heroic introduction of our-self.

 - We can add our educational qualification detail with our original mark sheet pictures.

 - We can add our skills and then set it according to our learning levels like beginner, intermediate, or expert. 

 - Even we can add all our term papers or our project files in it.

 - We can add all our achievements with the picture of our certificate or our prizes.

 - Even we can add our testimonials also.






SECURE DATA: When we send our resume to someone is always gets store in their laptop or phone or if you give them during the interview process they will keep a copy of it but in a digital portfolio, no one can save your important documents they only can see it online.

ACHIVEMENTS: In the resume, we only can write a sentence about our achievements but in digital portfolio, we can attach our certificates or prize picture with the description of our achievements.

 STORAGE: Resume/CV covers a lot of space into your laptop, phone, or any device but Digital Portfolio is never cover space because it is always available online or accessible by any device. 

TESTIMONIALS: Resumes don’t carry testimonials but digital portfolio carry testimonials if you are already working in any company or you are experienced then you can add your testimonials in the digital portfolio.

ADVANCE FEATURES: Resume is a simple document file but in the digital portfolio you not just can add all your information but you can add all this information with videos, pictures, or your own documents.

BLOG SECTION: You can’t write about your blog in the resume but in the digital portfolio, you can brush up your writing skills and add all your professionals or personal blog into your digital portfolio. 

BLOG SECTION: You can’t write about your blog in the resume but in the digital portfolio, you can brush up your writing skills and add all your professionals or personal blog into your digital portfolio. 

According to me, Digital Portfolio is a best-updated version of traditional resume/CV. It’s not just for students or freshers but also for the corporate employees. We should change our old traditions into new traditions by trying this digital portfolio. So Let’s update ourselves into new technology that updates our resume into” An Attractive Digital Portfolio” in this new era of the digital world.

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