Do you have the spark, that makes you different from the crowd? Is there a hidden leader in you? Are you among those who always wanted to be at the frontline in your campus?
Well, you’ve come to the right place. We are looking for you!
Explore Yourself for a Better Career Ahead!
Indian0 giving an opportunity for the aspiring students who can come on front to enhance their knowledge and skills to empower their career by exploring the leadership, entrepreneurship skills within.
• Ideate on and execute innovative campaign plans
• Develop an expanded knowledge of Indian0
• Spread the word & let the student community know about the offerings by Indian0
• Conduct campus tours for new students, schools, classes, and guests
• Assisting with outreach program and services in the campus on the behalf of Indian0
• Assist with duties and tasks related to events put on by various platforms of Indian0
• Work with diverse populations and provide tips on being a successful campus ambassador
• Answer current and future student questions on the Ask An Ambassador program
Students having strong interpersonal skills, leadership qualities and a zeal to learn new things. Students of any subject, any stream, any semester from any college/ university/ organization or educational group can be Ambassador.
Nothing makes us happier than hearing how happy we make you!
SAP Head will be the person who can play an important role in enrolling, managing and monitoring the entire Student Ambassador Program within a campus or group. He/ She will be the one who keeps up the engagement using various digital media tools and motivate the students to perform well in their tasks by resolving their queries.
There can be ideally one SAP Head from each college. In case there are more interested candidates who wish to lead a team within the campus, they need to connect the existing SAP head or Indian0 team.
REMEMBER, The journey of an SAP Head will be more incentivized and rewarding as compared to an ambassador. Apart from all the benefits of the program that are entitled to Ambassadors, SAP Head will get FREE passes to the timely conferences, workshops, and future such programs from Indian0